The Journey

Created by Kenton 12 years ago
Zoe was diagnosed with breast cancer in February 2009 when she was 12 weeks into her second pregnancy. Unfortunately there had been a delay of 5 months before diagnosis because her GP didn't take the appropriate action when she first consulted about a lump, nor even when she returned for a second time. After diagnosis she immediately underwent all the standard treatment, surgery and chemotherapy both in the pregnancy and after Carys was born. Unfortunately it didn't stop the 'beast' and it reared it's ugly head again in March 2011 and that was when we knew it couldn't be cured and would take Zoe's life. She fought hard enduring all kinds of different treatments but the 'beast' was not going to be tamed. There has been so much progress in cancer research, billions of pounds have been spent but unfortunately not enough. It still takes people away from their families.